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    Mintai Stone

    We do care about every pieces of our stone, from mining, designing, cutting, polishing to become the finally product. We striving for excellence as always.

    • The future stone industry has three development trends

      After years of development, China's stone industry has gradually developed from a serious pollution, low technical content, relying on manual manufacturing into a low-carbon, mechanical production based, industrial cluster as the fulcrum of the moder

      Company News       Views 772       Time 2019/12/12
    • A stone gloss quick correction skill

      Stone is liked by everybody, besides that attractive natural color and firm quality of a material outside, glittering and translucent get rid of burnish also is everybody all the time alone love.We have been looking for the high luster of stone, beca

      Stone Knowledge       Views 768       Time 2019/12/12
    • The significance of the pre-destruction of the ball mill

      The raw materials that need to be destroyed in cement industry are mainly from mining and thermal firing.Therefore, before the destruction, these materials have different degrees of internal lattice defects and micro cracks.Under the effect of the me

      Stone Knowledge       Views 793       Time 2019/12/12
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