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    The significance of the pre-destruction of the ball mill
      Source       Views 793       Time 2019/12/12 04:41:40

            The raw materials that need to be destroyed in cement industry are mainly from mining and thermal firing.Therefore, before the destruction, these materials have different degrees of internal lattice defects and micro cracks.Under the effect of the mechanical external force, the cohesion of the material is destroyed, the stress wave is propagated everywhere, and the stress gathers at the internal defects, cracks, lattice interface, etc., making the material crack along these weak surfaces and be destroyed.Together, these destroyed after the formation of a different size of the internal particles, but also due to the mechanical external force and size of the different, the residual degree of lattice defects and micro cracks.It laid a foundation for the energy saving and high yield of ball mill grinding process.That is to say, the external force gives the material with the kinetic energy, and turns into the material deformation energy, in its internal occurrence big stress gathers, is causes the material to be destroyed the primary reason.The pre-destruction technology not only reduces the particle size of the in-mill material, but also improves the grindability of the in-mill material to different degrees.

    From another point of view, the ball mill is a low energy utilization rate (3% ~ 5%) of the pulverizing equipment, especially the grinding body to throw the state of the first bin.Most of the energy is consumed by the heat of the collision, the noise, but very little is actually used to destroy the work.In the pre-destruction technology commonly known as "to break the grinding", "more broken less grinding" concept, is to use other high energy utilization rate (more than 30%) of the destruction equipment, to replace the ball mill first bin damage operation, let the ball mill learn from each other, full development of the main grinding damage effect.Therefore, it is of great significance to make the different equipments in the grinding system carry forward their different advantages