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    Hubei sesame ash manufacturer analysis sesame ash is how to lose luster and brightening method.
      Source       Views 1562       Time 2019/12/12 05:33:08

    How to make the surface of sesame ash luster brightens, sesame ash in the use process, will be affected by a variety of environmental pollution led to gloss loss, and even be polluted, but also affected the use of everyone's mood.The following hubei sesame ash manufacturers to give you an analysis of sesame ash is how to lose luster, and brightening method.

    One, years lost light.Like any other object, time gets old.The main reason is that during the process of use, the dense bright layer on the surface of the new object is gradually destroyed due to contact friction with external objects and the reaction with air friction.This kind of circumstance needs to undertake protecting ceaselessly to stone material.

    Two, encounter water to lose light.The main components are minerals, water, in addition to the participation of various gases in the air, easy to occur chemical reactions, and damage the surface structure, loss of light.

    Three, improper cleaning.Improper cleaning will also make the surface of the polished stone lost light.Such as the use of water to wipe the dust surface, sewage infiltration into the interior, change the surface characteristics;Improper use of acid detergent, corrosion surface, resulting in serious loss of light.

    Repair methods:

    One, wax.A process of gradual marginalization.Wax can polish many materials, such as shoe polish.Of course, give stone material polish with wax, glazing is quick, lose light is also fast, even later meeting turn yellow, form pollution, do not recommend accordingly.

    Two, crystallization.Stone crystallization is mainly the use of crystalline materials on the stone crystallization polishing, the formation of crystalline layer.The main component of crystalline material is to contain acid resin mixture, its durability wants to be waxed long much, can use in a variety of places such as metope, ground, mesa.