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    Why is the price of luo tian sesame ash always high?
      Source       Views 1576       Time 2019/12/12 05:32:46

    The characteristics of sesame ash in granite are relatively good, so the price of luotian sesame ash is also rising with the tide.In the decoration, sesame gray adornment effect is a wide range of applications, and in the future development is also very has the broad prospects, whether indoor or outside of buildings, the application of sesame gray are good, some of the large or some small pieces of sesame gray is also using the same method of use.

    Let's have a look at the decoration nowadays, sesame ash is relying on the advantage of color and beautiful degree, won the public like, and in a lot of places are used on.Some of the senior general building decoration engineering, hall decoration and outdoor sculpture is using a new mining, cutting and polishing method to deal with sesame gray, such cost will be greatly reduced a lot, and sesame gray is polluting the environment, different surface also have different processing technology, such as inferior smooth, fine grinding and some processing methods and so on dealing with water jet.

    It is because of the advantages and USES of sesame ash that the price of sesame ash remains high. Many architects also like this granite because of its attractive appearance.It can be used wherever we can think of it.