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    Who stirred the stone industry?
      Source       Views 797       Time 2019/12/12 05:19:51

    It is reported, "59 yuan stone material supermarket", the tide that sets off in stone material circle still has not receded up to now, its founder Chen yaodong also became the focus of stone material circle for a while.It is understood that the UK Cambridge university economics graduate student, two years ago, returned to the country, in the opposite direction, low prices to sell inventory.

    Some say he has upturned the marketing model of the traditional stone industry, while others worry that such "ultra-low prices" will undermine the industry's pricing system.Chen yaodong, chairman of wuxijiu stone industry, through his clear and direct yet humorous expression, insight into its unique business perspective and "59 yuan stone supermarket" core value."How can there be imported marble for 59 yuan?"This "loss-making" price really makes people wonder.If you have such thoughts, then you have fallen into the trap of Chen yaodong.

    "Fifty-nine yuan is a gimmick in itself."Mr. Chen says he has other considerations besides impressing at first glance by deliberately naming companies by Numbers."When I sell big boards, I only charge processing fees.It was cheap, but they didn't know how cheap it was.Normally, the processing fee for processing raw materials into a large board is about 50 yuan per square meter, so it is directly named with 59, and clearly marked price, again intuitive, but also convenient to trade.Behind this seemingly simple concept, Chen yaodong and his team have been running every day in the major stone market for several months, conducting large-scale market research and data analysis.

    "59 yuan" is not simply a "low price" as its name implies, but quality and service are also valued by Chen.

    "Noisy" out of the fame -- "59 yuan" to promote knowledge

    Zhu xinsheng, chairman of global stone, has heard others mention "59 yuan stone supermarket" four times.He said, stone enterprise has up to ten thousand, general people can blurt out will not more than 30.Others remember universal, conley, gao shi these stone brands because we have been doing for more than 10 years, and 59 yuan stone supermarket only spent three to six months, squeezed into the ranks of these 30 brands.

    The brand promotion is so successful, Chen yaodong is not surprised, "59 yuan" of the promotion, he is the effort.

    "During the pre-opening period, I did a lot of advertising, whether on the roadside, or in the big board market, even on the mobile phone WeChat, you can see the word '59' everywhere, plus the team took the brochure to every stone base in the country to send, actually did a lot of things.

    In addition to the visual brand, the power of sound cannot be ignored."When I went to the shuitou stone company to buy inventory, they would both get excited about a certain issue, so they would quarrel.""Because I was so impressed," Mr. Chen said with a laugh, referring to the marketing effects of his inventory purchases.

    This kind of business model is selling point with ultra low price, it is the market rule that raises challenge to traditional stone material industry undoubtedly, for example "pull down the price system of stone material industry" wait for fear to follow.To such a voice, Chen yaodong calmly accepted and responded: ultra-low prices do have a big impact on the whole industry, no matter good or bad."I am a catfish that has stimulated some of the stone companies to get active and get involved in the market and compete actively, thus accelerating their growth and transformation."Transformation means reorienting, focusing on moving in that direction, and getting rid of things that have nothing to do with it, which is what's called inventory."No matter what the outside world thinks, it is undeniable that in today's low-profit and high-inventory stone industry environment, "59 yuan" helps stone enterprises to solve the problem of inventory to a certain extent, but also innovates the brand model for the stone industry.

    Pursuit of simplicity -- "59 yuan" management

    Mr. Chen doesn't like complexity, which is evident in his management style.

    "Our management model is pretty simple at the moment.Flat, I'm the only decision-maker at the top, and everyone below is equal.The team itself is only about 20, there is no big or small level problem, everyone has to do the task, it is as simple as that."Chen yaodong stressed simplicity many times in conversation, and the simplest thing is to lead by example.Xiao liu, 59 yuan's brand manager and a die-hard fan of Chen, told us that the team's average age is 22.83.Many things Chen always do first, then to ask others to do his standard.Our experience is accumulated in this way."

    Mr. Chen says the current team was carefully selected from more than 30 people who did the data collection, and has developed a good rapport."They know what their duties are;Know what to obey and what not to obey, what to do and what not to do;They know to share, to learn, and they know that everything has to be fed back."Chen yaodong is full of gratitude for the team that has been working together for two years to start a business. "if they hadn't worked together and helped me do a lot of things, they wouldn't be 59 today," he says.

    Under the simple management model, Chen yaodong quantifies the work.He gives an example of what quantification is."Take to send the samples, according to the rules to confirm these few steps: size is big enough, whether do edge chamfer, whether the sample is beautiful, whether the labels, tags, where should record the coding, the other party when it received the registration, after three days still have to trace, to ask if there are other need, after a week still have to make a phone call, etc.Good service is the key."Even if it is a small matter, Chen yaodong and his team also insist on its subdivision and specification, so that the team work in an orderly manner.This is a required course in management.To create a rule that can be implemented in the midst of complexity, so that it can be copied, is not the expression of the word "simple"?"Because the model is simple, it's easy to pick up."I try to make things as standardized, process-oriented and replicable as possible. What I want is for anyone to leave to keep the company running."

    Diversified channels -- "59 yuan" core value

    Cheap, is people to "59" the most intuitive impression.However, this is only the first step in Chen's plan.In this era of diversification, only relying on a single low-price sales model has been difficult to withstand the fierce market competition.How do you really destock?How to build "59 yuan" the strongest advantage?Chen yaodong is breaking through.Enter home outfit market, attack background wall design is the answer.

    "If I just sell the big board, I may be surpassed at any time, and I cannot change the status quo of the stone industry.Only by truly destocking and transforming inventory, can we promote the upgrading of this industry.Our main direction now is: good quality board directly wholesale, medium quality sell to do the project, the worst big board we use to design the product, is the standard home decoration background wall.Chen yaodong showed the design of the background wall on the spot, and explained: "now the background wall products have been designed four series, unified standard specifications and standard color, has not yet produced more than 20 sets have been ordered."

    "There is only one way to change the stone and make it advantageous, and that is through design and creativity.For the big board, I am making a system, regardless of any kind of stone, '59' can provide a platform for you to sell the board here."The boards that are left behind are really poor, but through design and processing, the aesthetic feeling of the design and the art of stitching can increase the added value of the stone."Until finally, Chen yaodong only opened the "59 yuan" model answer: in a variety of ways will be inventory digestion, this is "59" the most core value.

    "A lot of people think I'm stupid because I'll take anything."Even so, Chen yaodong or heart and soul to do his "stupid thing".He firmly believes that the stone industry is never short of good stone, lack of marketing channels, difficult is the brand promotion."They think I'm stupid because they don't understand 59's core competencies.And even if the city is known, I do not worry about others to imitate or copy, because we are running speed in the pursuit of stone in the future.