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Stone industry has always been closely related to the development of the real estate industry, but at this stage, the real estate bubble has the tendency to burst, in the face of this situation, how should stone enterprises grasp the general trend, recognize the market situation, find the correct positioning?
The housing bubble forced a transformation
Since 2014, there has been a hornet's nest of information or rhetoric about the housing bubble.In contrast to previous years, when "bullish" and "bearish" and "bullish" more than "bearish", this year's report on the real estate bubble warning flavor is very strong, there is a lot to come.
In fact, such market changes to the development of the stone industry is a favorable stimulus, the current stone industry "strong constant strong, weak constant weak" Matthew effect is in the market adjustment period.The relaxation of the market, let the real brand enterprises stand down, let those low-end enterprises lack of competitiveness choose to transform.The change that compares apparent is at present brand concentration is higher and higher, big business relies on brand and channel to still be firm, maintain high growth, and a few small stone material processing business begin to appear reverse force phenomenon.
Real estate bubble forced enterprises to transform stone industry how to grasp
Stone enterprises need to meet the market to seize the rising space
Overall deviation of market environment, but still do not hinder individual enterprises to improve local microclimate.Extrude real estate bubble, bring about building materials market to shrink inevitably, numerous enterprises will be in white-hot market share competition below downsizing.In the buyer's market, enterprises' branding strategy and service-oriented operation have become an inevitable choice. It is particularly important for enterprises to constantly test the waters to find new business strategies to face the new economic form and development environment.
Although stone and estate market are close, its market fluctuation also is about half a year apart time gap, but the relation that compares is not one to one, not depend on estate completely, and basically depend on "use rate".On the one hand, this will benefit from the market space brought by the consumption upgrade.Consumption upgrade will inevitably bring the increase of potential demand for stone products and the improvement of brand premium capacity.
It is understood that, on the other hand, will benefit from the expansion of the fine decoration market and tooling market, the proportion of fine decoration in the process of urbanization continues to increase, the construction of public rental, low-rent and public places also significantly increased, which will bring stable rising space for the stone market.
Will the bubble burst or not?This is clearly not a matter of wishful thinking, and emotional tendencies make no sense.As an industry with a stake in it, all we can do is to respond early and meet market challenges with sufficient warning.